The historic and juridical relevance of the “genetic patrimony” of the cities of Southern Italy, often underestimated in respect to the metropolitan area of Naples and the urban phenomenon of the Centre-North Italy, was the main reason of the critical edition of the “Descrittione” of Ariano, which remained unpublished. This book was written by notary Scipione De Augustinis in the early sixteenth century (Library of the Neapolitan Society of National History, ms. XXII. E. 15), when the municipal literature gained additional importance, in order to determine the characteristics of the identity of the “Neapolitan nation” and the spirit of localism. In this context Ariano was very important, especially in relation to the geo-political reality of the Kingdom, considering both greater centres (densely populated) and high economic, social and cultural role. Taking into account the complexity of political and administrative affairs of the City – which was acquired to the State property regime as well as the disagreements between the nobles (lords of lands) and a the heterogeneous component of merchants (which was originated by Bergamo) – De Augustinis (with his local memory) sought to build, define and legitimize the city identity and its aristocracy of government. A government hierarchically based on knowledge and professions, proceeding in parallel with the maintenance of local constitutional design, through statutory law. In the sixteenth century, Ariano was entrusted by “bene licterati”/”letrados”, as well as by jurists and literacy men, which were able to express, as custodians and administrators of the law. This established the continuity and inviolability of the municipal law, but also a cultural regeneration of community, especially in relation to moral and civic structure. This was also justified in the name of social and public function of nobles, whose powers were essentially based on the conceptions of “civic” or “di reggimento” (“nobilitas politica et civilis”): in the De Augustinis’work, they were represented as perfect guardian of “salus rei publicae”, as well as the identity and “virtus” of the city. The public edition book concerning the first organic municipal history (of the main urban centre of “Principato Ultra”, with a critical apparatus) contains, not only a preface written by Giuseppe Galasso, but also a well-articulated Introduction (“De Augustinis and the city: In the Context of Ariano’s social and political institutions”) and a critical Presentation (“The Description of Urban Memory: Structure and Historiographical Plans of This Studies”).
Il rilievo storiografico e giuridico del patrimonio genetico delle città del Sud d’Italia, spesso sottovalutato in relazione alla dimensione metropolitana di Napoli e al fenomeno urbano del Centro-Nord, costituisce il motivo principale dell’edizione critica dell’inedita “Descrittione d’Ariano” scritta dal notaio Scipione De Augustinis negli anni novanta del XVI secolo (Biblioteca della Società napoletana di Storia Patria, ms. XXII. E. 15). La letteratura municipalistica acquista un ulteriore importante tassello al fine di determinare le caratteristiche dell’identità della “nazione napoletana” e dello spirito localista, spiccando Ariano, nella realtà geo-politica del Regno, tra i centri di maggiore consistenza demografica e di elevato ruolo economico, sociale e culturale. Nella complessità delle vicende politiche ed amministrative di una città recentemente acquisita al regime demaniale e dilaniata dai contrasti tra il blocco nobiliare-fondiario e un’eterogenea componente mercantile, in parte di origine orobica, la “memoria patria” del giurista De Augustinis mira a costruire, definire e legittimare l’identità cittadina e la sua aristocrazia di governo gerarchicamente fondata sul sapere e sulle professioni, procedendo parallelamente all’attività di manutenzione del disegno costituzionale locale tramite legislazione statutaria. Ariano nel Cinquecento è affidata ai “bene licterati”/”letrados”, giuristi-letterati in grado di esprimere, come depositari del diritto ed amministratori, non solo garanzie di continuità ed inviolabilità dell’ordinamento municipale, ma anche occasioni di rigenerazione culturale, morale e civile della comunità, in nome della funzione sociale e pubblica di una nobiltà essenzialmente “civica” o di “reggimento” (“nobilitas politica et civilis”), auto/rappresentata nell’opera del De Augustinis nella veste di ideale custode della “salus rei publicae”, vale a dire dell’identità e della “virtus” cittadina. L’edizione della prima organica storia municipale del polo urbano e commerciale più importante del Principato Ultra in età moderna, corredata di un corposo apparato di note, si avvale, oltre alla prefazione di Giuseppe Galasso, di un’articolata Introduzione (“De Augustinis e la città: Nella temperie sociale e politico-istituzionale di Ariano”) e di una Presentazione critica (“La costruzione della memoria urbana: Struttura e piani storiografici dell’opera”).
Scipione de Augustinis, L’«Amor’ infinito, ch’ alla Patria si deve». La “Descrittione” d’Ariano di un notaio del XVI secolo, edizione critica a cura di Gianfranco Stanco, prefazione di Giuseppe Galasso
The historic and juridical relevance of the “genetic patrimony” of the cities of Southern Italy, often underestimated in respect to the metropolitan area of Naples and the urban phenomenon of the Centre-North Italy, was the main reason of the critical edition of the “Descrittione” of Ariano, which remained unpublished. This book was written by notary Scipione De Augustinis in the early sixteenth century (Library of the Neapolitan Society of National History, ms. XXII. E. 15), when the municipal literature gained additional importance, in order to determine the characteristics of the identity of the “Neapolitan nation” and the spirit of localism. In this context Ariano was very important, especially in relation to the geo-political reality of the Kingdom, considering both greater centres (densely populated) and high economic, social and cultural role. Taking into account the complexity of political and administrative affairs of the City – which was acquired to the State property regime as well as the disagreements between the nobles (lords of lands) and a the heterogeneous component of merchants (which was originated by Bergamo) – De Augustinis (with his local memory) sought to build, define and legitimize the city identity and its aristocracy of government. A government hierarchically based on knowledge and professions, proceeding in parallel with the maintenance of local constitutional design, through statutory law. In the sixteenth century, Ariano was entrusted by “bene licterati”/”letrados”, as well as by jurists and literacy men, which were able to express, as custodians and administrators of the law. This established the continuity and inviolability of the municipal law, but also a cultural regeneration of community, especially in relation to moral and civic structure. This was also justified in the name of social and public function of nobles, whose powers were essentially based on the conceptions of “civic” or “di reggimento” (“nobilitas politica et civilis”): in the De Augustinis’work, they were represented as perfect guardian of “salus rei publicae”, as well as the identity and “virtus” of the city. The public edition book concerning the first organic municipal history (of the main urban centre of “Principato Ultra”, with a critical apparatus) contains, not only a preface written by Giuseppe Galasso, but also a well-articulated Introduction (“De Augustinis and the city: In the Context of Ariano’s social and political institutions”) and a critical Presentation (“The Description of Urban Memory: Structure and Historiographical Plans of This Studies”).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.