This study comes from the experience in a professional environment, where often there is a need to suggest viable solutions to increase the liquidity of assets in the balance sheet burdened by unpaid credits claimed toward public administrations or enterprises. Basing on the analysis of a particular case study it has been tried to reconstruct the overall scenario of non-performing loans. In particular, using statistical data and empirical evidence, it was first photographed in descriptive key the Italian situation of non-performing loans, emphasizing the major variances recorded in the South of Italy compared to the trends characterizing the national average. They were then enucleated the causes of the phenomenon under analysis, and conducting a study based on the most important contributions of doctrine, as well on the investigation of certain cases of success occurred in banking, it was weighted the effectiveness of various tools available for enterprises in order to resolve the impasse related to the detention of non-performing loans. Simultaneously, for greater comprehensiveness of work, it was considered the impact on the analyzed phenomenon, related to the new rules of Basel 2 and to the introduction from 1 January 2005 of international accounting standards IAS/IFRS. It has been developed an analysis of traditional instruments (recovery or restructuring) useful for management of non-performing loans and it has been assessed, also in differential terms, use of innovative instruments (securitization, credit derivatives, loan sales, bad banking) well-known in literature, but not yet sufficiently widespread in practice. At the conclusion of the study carried out it has been showed that weighting costs and benefits, the use of innovative tools, especially for medium-sized enterprises, would optimize considerably the process of monetizing non-performing loans also improving the ability to access to bank credit and level of liquidity of business assets of the interested companies.
Il presente lavoro nasce dall’esperienza maturata in ambito professionale, laddove sovente si presenta la necessità di suggerire valide soluzioni al fine di aumentare il livello di liquidità di attivi di bilancio appesantiti da crediti in sofferenza vantati nei confronti di Amministrazioni Pubbliche o imprese. Partendo dall’analisi di un caso specifico si è cercato di ricostruire lo scenario complessivo dei crediti non performing. In particolare avvalendosi di dati statistici ed evidenze empiriche, si è dapprima voluta fotografare in chiave descrittiva la situazione italiana dei crediti non performing, sottolineando i principali scostamenti registrati nel Mezzogiorno rispetto ai trend caratterizzanti la media nazionale. Successivamente sono state enucleate le cause del fenomeno oggetto di analisi ed effettuando uno studio fondato sui più importanti contributi dottrinari, nonché sull’esame di taluni casi di successo verificatisi in ambito bancario, è stata ponderata l’efficacia di vari strumenti a disposizione delle imprese per risolvere l’empasse connessa alla detenzione di crediti non performing. Contestualmente, a maggiore esausistività del lavoro svolto, è stato considerato l’impatto sul fenomeno analizzato, connesso alla nuova normativa su Basilea 2 ed all’introduzione a partire dal 1 gennaio 2005 dei principi contabili internazionali IAS/IFRS. Si è proceduto ad una disamina degli strumenti tradizionali (recupero o ristrutturazione) di gestione dei crediti non performing e si è altresì valutato in termini differenziali l’utilizzo di strumenti innovativi (cartolarizzazioni, derivati creditizi, vendite di prestiti, bad banking) ben noti in letteratura, ma non ancora adeguatamente diffusi nella prassi operativa. A conclusione dell’indagine effettuata è emerso che ponderando costi e benefici, l’utilizzo degli strumenti innovativi in particolar modo per imprese di taglio medio-grande, ottimizzerebbe notevolmente il processo di smobilizzo dei crediti non performing migliorando la capacità di accesso al credito ed il livello di liquidità del patrimonio aziendale dei soggetti interessati.
Impresa, banche e rischio di credito. Tecniche innovative nella gestione dei crediti non performing
This study comes from the experience in a professional environment, where often there is a need to suggest viable solutions to increase the liquidity of assets in the balance sheet burdened by unpaid credits claimed toward public administrations or enterprises. Basing on the analysis of a particular case study it has been tried to reconstruct the overall scenario of non-performing loans. In particular, using statistical data and empirical evidence, it was first photographed in descriptive key the Italian situation of non-performing loans, emphasizing the major variances recorded in the South of Italy compared to the trends characterizing the national average. They were then enucleated the causes of the phenomenon under analysis, and conducting a study based on the most important contributions of doctrine, as well on the investigation of certain cases of success occurred in banking, it was weighted the effectiveness of various tools available for enterprises in order to resolve the impasse related to the detention of non-performing loans. Simultaneously, for greater comprehensiveness of work, it was considered the impact on the analyzed phenomenon, related to the new rules of Basel 2 and to the introduction from 1 January 2005 of international accounting standards IAS/IFRS. It has been developed an analysis of traditional instruments (recovery or restructuring) useful for management of non-performing loans and it has been assessed, also in differential terms, use of innovative instruments (securitization, credit derivatives, loan sales, bad banking) well-known in literature, but not yet sufficiently widespread in practice. At the conclusion of the study carried out it has been showed that weighting costs and benefits, the use of innovative tools, especially for medium-sized enterprises, would optimize considerably the process of monetizing non-performing loans also improving the ability to access to bank credit and level of liquidity of business assets of the interested companies.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.