This study aims to conduct a cross-sectional survey in Europe, about the internal control systems present in corporate structure. The importance of the theme is gathered because of serious financial scandals that in the past decade have led to the collapse of major international groups and that have generated considerable distrust among investors. In addition, the legislation introduced in Italy by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and by Legislative Decree no. 6/2003 respectively, have provided the administrative responsibility of the collective and have disciplined new systems of governance of corporations. Thus the overall scenario has led to examine the issue of internal auditing, performing a comparative analysis between the various national contexts of the main European countries and studying alongside the Italian situation. Through this comparison of the different regulatory systems have been highlighted the trends at the supranational level and have been found many common terms which seem to evolve according to the organization of internal auditing within the companies. For the purposes of a better balance between efficacy and effectiveness of internal control and prosecution of both long-term strategic objectives, it seems to emerge the need for the internal audit as a function that does not arise as a company capable of overseeing the pure phenomena "misrule", but rather to act as a constant stimulus to the optimization of internal processes in order to protect the interests of property and other categories of stakeholders. The survey revealed that in the pursuit of this approach, although there are specificities related to particular national contexts, the different Codes of Conduct examined appear to identify a set of operational forecasts to protect the level of independence of control staff, while providing them the necessary involvement and integration in the processes to be monitored. It is still possible to find control instruments aimed at protecting all the different components of the ownership and are provided appropriate forms of balance of powers within the administrative bodies. Analyzed all the provisions seems to trace a path that should lead to a successful evolution of internal auditing, though for the purposes of a real improvement in operating conditions, it is desirable that the Codes of Conduct are adopted by a much larger number of economic subjects than what it is seen at the date of research.
Il presente lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di condurre un’indagine trasversale in ambito europeo, sui sistemi di controllo interno presenti nelle strutture societarie. L’importanza del tema si coglie in ragione di gravi scandali finanziari che nell'ultimo decennio hanno portato al dissesto di gruppi di rilievo internazionale e che hanno generato notevole diffidenza tra gli investitori. Inoltre le normative introdotte in Italia dal D.Lgs. 231/2001 e dal D.Lgs. 6/2003 hanno rispettivamente, previsto la responsabilità amministrativa dell’ente collettivo e disciplinato i nuovi sistemi di governance delle società di capitali. Pertanto lo scenario complessivo ha indotto ad esaminare la tematica dell’internal auditing effettuando un’analisi comparativa tra i vari contesti nazionali dei principali paesi europei e studiando parallelamente la situazione italiana. Mediante tale raffronto dei diversi sistemi normativi si sono volute evidenziare le tendenze in atto a livello sopranazionale e sono state riscontrate numerose linee comuni secondo le quali pare evolvere l’organizzazione dell’internal auditing in ambito aziendale. Infatti ai fini di un maggiore equilibrio tra efficacia ed efficienza dell’attività di controllo interno e perseguimento al contempo degli obiettivi strategici di lungo periodo, pare emergere la necessità che l’internal auditing non si ponga come funzione aziendale atta alla pura vigilanza sui fenomeni di “malgoverno”, ma che funga piuttosto da stimolo costante all’ottimizzazione dei processi interni nell’intento di tutelare gli interessi della proprietà e di altre categorie di stakeholders. L’indagine condotta ha rivelato che nel perseguimento di tale orientamento, sebbene vi siano delle specificità legate ai diversi contesti nazionali, i differenti Codici di Autodisciplina esaminati paiono individuare una serie di previsioni operative volte a tutelare il livello di indipendenza dei soggetti preposti al controllo, pur garantendo loro il necessario coinvolgimento ed integrazione nei processi da monitorare. Ancora si riscontrano strumenti di controllo tendenti a tutelare tutte le differenti componenti dell’assetto proprietario e si prevedono adeguate forme di bilanciamento dei poteri in seno agli organi amministrativi. Il complesso delle disposizioni analizzate pare tracciare un sentiero che dovrebbe condurre ad una proficua evoluzione dell’attività di internal auditing, sebbene ai fini di un effettivo miglioramento delle condizioni operative, è auspicabile che i Codici di Autodisciplina vengano adottati da un numero molto più consistente di soggetti economici rispetto a quanto riscontrabile alla data della ricerca.
L'evoluzione dei sistemi di controllo nel contesto italiano ed europeo
This study aims to conduct a cross-sectional survey in Europe, about the internal control systems present in corporate structure. The importance of the theme is gathered because of serious financial scandals that in the past decade have led to the collapse of major international groups and that have generated considerable distrust among investors. In addition, the legislation introduced in Italy by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and by Legislative Decree no. 6/2003 respectively, have provided the administrative responsibility of the collective and have disciplined new systems of governance of corporations. Thus the overall scenario has led to examine the issue of internal auditing, performing a comparative analysis between the various national contexts of the main European countries and studying alongside the Italian situation. Through this comparison of the different regulatory systems have been highlighted the trends at the supranational level and have been found many common terms which seem to evolve according to the organization of internal auditing within the companies. For the purposes of a better balance between efficacy and effectiveness of internal control and prosecution of both long-term strategic objectives, it seems to emerge the need for the internal audit as a function that does not arise as a company capable of overseeing the pure phenomena "misrule", but rather to act as a constant stimulus to the optimization of internal processes in order to protect the interests of property and other categories of stakeholders. The survey revealed that in the pursuit of this approach, although there are specificities related to particular national contexts, the different Codes of Conduct examined appear to identify a set of operational forecasts to protect the level of independence of control staff, while providing them the necessary involvement and integration in the processes to be monitored. It is still possible to find control instruments aimed at protecting all the different components of the ownership and are provided appropriate forms of balance of powers within the administrative bodies. Analyzed all the provisions seems to trace a path that should lead to a successful evolution of internal auditing, though for the purposes of a real improvement in operating conditions, it is desirable that the Codes of Conduct are adopted by a much larger number of economic subjects than what it is seen at the date of research.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.