As part of the study of the relationship between urgent situations and procedural protection techniques, the essay deals with urgent measures (Art. 700 c.p.c.), as an elective instrument chosen by the legislator to deal situations characterized by urgency of providing. The essay moves from the data, rather shared, according to which the precautionary protection has contributed, on a substantial level, to identify and coin new substantial protected situations, and it has gained, at the procedural level, a very large application space in anticipatory function. This was possible because of the wide discretion of the judge underlying the provision of art. 700 c.p.c. Hence the need to investigate the problem of the limits of judge's discretion and control, within the framework of a so-called "privatistic" setting of jurisdiction - which is also confirmed in other sectors, such as the jurisdiction in transnational disputes and the relationship between arbitration and jurisdiction (translatio iudicii) - which enhances the perspective of the implementation of justice users’ rights, despite the different perspective (of a publicistic nature) of the implementation of the legal system, i.e. of the objective law. The need for an effective control over the exercise of discretionary judge powers in a precautionary field is exacerbated by the fact that the effects of granting or refusing the precautionary measure - although theoretically provisional - are, in fact, in many cases irreversible. From this point of view, if the central question remains ensuring substantial justice to individuals, it is necessary to guarantee, even in emergency measures, the right to evidence, understood as the effective right of the parties to see that all their own instances are evaluated by the judge and as a right, of the parties themselves, to the assumption (even in a not formalized way) of all means of proves provided for the ordinary cognitive protection. It is also necessary to guarantee adequate instruments of control, even beyond the remedy of the complaint, up to the appeal to the Supreme Court. The deficit of judicial protection - deriving from the irreversibility of the emergency measures effect - should, in fact, be filled with the instrument of the extraordinary appeal to the Supreme Court pursuant to art. 111, 7th par., Cost. or (considering the current guidelines of the Supreme Court regarding the appeal conditions) with the intervention of the legislator, aimed to extend the guarantee of the ordinary appeal also to the matter of precautionary protection.
Nell’ambito dello studio del rapporto tra situazioni di urgenza e tecniche di tutela processuale, il saggio si occupa dei provvedimenti d’urgenza (art. 700 c.p.c.), quale strumento preordinato, in via elettiva, dal legislatore per fronteggiare appunto le situazioni caratterizzate dall’urgenza del provvedere. Il saggio muove dal dato, piuttosto condiviso, secondo cui la tutela d’urgenza ha contribuito, sul piano sostanziale, ad individuare e coniare nuove situazioni sostanziali protette, ed ha guadagnato, sul piano processuale, uno spazio applicativo molto vasto in funzione anticipatoria. Ciò è stato reso possibile dall’ampia discrezionalità del giudice sottesa alla previsione dell’art. 700 c.p.c.. Da qui la necessità di indagare il problema dei limiti della discrezionalità del giudice e del suo controllo, nel quadro di una impostazione, per così dire, “privatistica” della giurisdizione – che trova conferma anche in altri settori, ad esempio quello della giurisdizione nelle controversie transnazionali e quello dei rapporti tra arbitrato e giurisdizione (translatio iudicii) – che esalta la prospettiva dell’attuazione dei diritti degli utenti della giustizia, rispetto alla diversa prospettiva (di tipo pubblicistico) dell’attuazione dell’ordinamento, cioè del diritto oggettivo. La necessità di un controllo effettivo sull’esercizio dei poteri discrezionali del giudice in sede cautelare viene acuita dal fatto che gli effetti della concessione o del diniego della misura cautelare – per quanto, in linea teorica, provvisori – risultano, di fatto, in molti casi irreversibili. Da questo punto di vista, se la questione centrale resta quella di assicurare la giustizia sostanziale ai singoli individui, è necessario garantire, anche nei provvedimenti d’urgenza, il diritto alla prova, inteso come effettivo diritto delle parti a veder valutate dal giudice tutte le proprie istanze istruttorie e come diritto, delle parti medesime, all’assunzione (sia pure in maniera deformalizzata) di tutti i mezzi di prova previsti per la tutela cognitiva ordinaria. È, altresì, necessario garantire strumenti adeguati di controllo, anche oltre il rimedio del reclamo, fino a giungere al ricorso per cassazione. Il deficit di tutela giurisdizionale – derivante dalla irreversibilità degli effetti dei provvedimenti d’urgenza – andrebbe, infatti, colmato con lo strumento del ricorso straordinario in cassazione ex art. 111, 7° comma, cost. ovvero (considerati gli attuali orientamenti della Suprema Corte in ordine ai presupposti di tale ricorso) con l’intervento del legislatore, volto ad estendere la garanzia del ricorso ordinario anche alla materia della tutela d’urgenza.
Provvedimenti d'urgenza, potere discrezionale del giudice e controllo endoprocessuale
As part of the study of the relationship between urgent situations and procedural protection techniques, the essay deals with urgent measures (Art. 700 c.p.c.), as an elective instrument chosen by the legislator to deal situations characterized by urgency of providing. The essay moves from the data, rather shared, according to which the precautionary protection has contributed, on a substantial level, to identify and coin new substantial protected situations, and it has gained, at the procedural level, a very large application space in anticipatory function. This was possible because of the wide discretion of the judge underlying the provision of art. 700 c.p.c. Hence the need to investigate the problem of the limits of judge's discretion and control, within the framework of a so-called "privatistic" setting of jurisdiction - which is also confirmed in other sectors, such as the jurisdiction in transnational disputes and the relationship between arbitration and jurisdiction (translatio iudicii) - which enhances the perspective of the implementation of justice users’ rights, despite the different perspective (of a publicistic nature) of the implementation of the legal system, i.e. of the objective law. The need for an effective control over the exercise of discretionary judge powers in a precautionary field is exacerbated by the fact that the effects of granting or refusing the precautionary measure - although theoretically provisional - are, in fact, in many cases irreversible. From this point of view, if the central question remains ensuring substantial justice to individuals, it is necessary to guarantee, even in emergency measures, the right to evidence, understood as the effective right of the parties to see that all their own instances are evaluated by the judge and as a right, of the parties themselves, to the assumption (even in a not formalized way) of all means of proves provided for the ordinary cognitive protection. It is also necessary to guarantee adequate instruments of control, even beyond the remedy of the complaint, up to the appeal to the Supreme Court. The deficit of judicial protection - deriving from the irreversibility of the emergency measures effect - should, in fact, be filled with the instrument of the extraordinary appeal to the Supreme Court pursuant to art. 111, 7th par., Cost. or (considering the current guidelines of the Supreme Court regarding the appeal conditions) with the intervention of the legislator, aimed to extend the guarantee of the ordinary appeal also to the matter of precautionary protection.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.