The paper concerns the new provisions on vertical motor vehicle distribution agreements, which set forth a discipline, the scope of application of which extends to all contracts of duration that can be categorized as agreements for the integrated distribution of new or zero-km motor vehicles. These rules treat contracts of indefinite duration differently from open-ended contracts: they only impose a minimum duration of five years for the former, even though this contrasts with the broader freedom guaranteed at European level by Article 101 TFEU and the EU Regulations on vertical agreements, such as Reg. (EU) 720/2022 and Reg. (EU) No. 461/2010; furthermore, they grant all contracting parties free determinative withdrawal from contracts of indefinite duration, whereas in the case of fixed-term contracts they only grant the possibility of early termination for a fair compensation to the supplier of the motor vehicles to be distributed. The writing also gives an account of the aspects of the relationship to be regulated by the contracting parties and the mutual duties of information. Finally, it points out the undue interference with private autonomy and freedom of economic initiative of a regulation which, with regard to the automotive sector, not only imperatively enters into the merits of the choices regarding the economic structure of the contractual relationship, but also thereby precludes the parties from freely choosing the distribution model to be adopted.
Lo scritto riguarda le nuove disposizioni in materia di accordi verticali di distribuzione automobilistica, La disciplina ha carattere transtipico (l'ambito di applicazione si estende infatti non solo – a certe condizioni – all’agenzia, alla concessione di vendita e alla commissione, ma arriva anche a ricomprendere tutti i contratti di durata riconducibili allo schema degli accordi per la distribuzione integrata di autoveicoli nuovi o a km. 0). Essa riserva ai contratti a termine un trattamento differenziato rispetto a quelli a tempo indeterminato: infatti, impone solo per i primi una durata minima di cinque anni, ancorché in contrasto la più ampia libertà garantita a livello europeo dall’art. 101 TFUE e dai Regolamenti UE sugli accordi verticali, quali il Reg. (UE) 720/2022 e il Reg. (UE) n. 461/2010; inoltre nei contratti a tempo indeterminato concede a tutte le parti contraenti il recesso determinativo gratuito, mentre nel caso dei contratti a termine concede solo un recesso di pentimento oneroso al fornitore degli autoveicoli da distribuire. Nello scritto si dà conto anche degli aspetti del rapporto che devono essere regolati dalle parti contraenti e dei doveri d’informazione reciproci. Infine, si evidenziano le indebite interferenze con l’autonomia privata e la libertà d’iniziativa economica di una disciplina che, con riguardo al comparto automobilistico, non solo entra in maniera imperativa nel merito delle scelte sull’assetto economico del rapporto contrattuale, ma in tal modo preclude alle parti anche la libera scelta del modello di distribuzione da adottare.
Le nuove disposizioni in materia di distribuzione automobilistica (art. 7 quinquies D.L. n. 68/22)
Francesco Ricci
The paper concerns the new provisions on vertical motor vehicle distribution agreements, which set forth a discipline, the scope of application of which extends to all contracts of duration that can be categorized as agreements for the integrated distribution of new or zero-km motor vehicles. These rules treat contracts of indefinite duration differently from open-ended contracts: they only impose a minimum duration of five years for the former, even though this contrasts with the broader freedom guaranteed at European level by Article 101 TFEU and the EU Regulations on vertical agreements, such as Reg. (EU) 720/2022 and Reg. (EU) No. 461/2010; furthermore, they grant all contracting parties free determinative withdrawal from contracts of indefinite duration, whereas in the case of fixed-term contracts they only grant the possibility of early termination for a fair compensation to the supplier of the motor vehicles to be distributed. The writing also gives an account of the aspects of the relationship to be regulated by the contracting parties and the mutual duties of information. Finally, it points out the undue interference with private autonomy and freedom of economic initiative of a regulation which, with regard to the automotive sector, not only imperatively enters into the merits of the choices regarding the economic structure of the contractual relationship, but also thereby precludes the parties from freely choosing the distribution model to be adopted.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.