A la luz de las nuevas escrituras informáticas de la sociedadde la información y a partir de los dos conceptos diferentes de escritura que seencuentran en la Ley de Interpretación de 1978 del Reino Unido y en el art. 1.11de los Principios Unidroit, así como de la contraposición del derecho italiano entre«scritture» (escritos) y «riproduzioni meccaniche» (reproducciones mecánicas), eltrabajo investiga si la representación o reproducción de palabras en forma visible esnecesaria para cumplir con los requisitos del derecho privado europeo en cuanto ala forma y la prueba por escrito, o si es suficiente cualquier forma de comunicaciónque preserve la documentación de la información contenida y sea reproducibleen forma tangible. Argumentando la preferencia por la segunda solución, seestablece una distinción entre, por un lado, «documentos declarativos» (es decir,los que constituyen el medio para efectuar declaraciones por escrito) y, por el otro,«documento meramente representativos» (que en cambio no constituyen el mediopara efectuar dichas declaraciones), teniendo en cuenta varias normativas vigentesa distinto nivel en el panorama del derecho europeo (y, en particular, ciertas normasdel Codice civile, del BGB y del ABGB, del Código Civil español, del Código Civilgriego y de la Law of Property inglés, por un lado, y el art. 1, 4.º apartado, lett. a y c, de la Convención Unidroit sobre el Factoring internacional y ciertos artículosy Considerandos de la Directiva 85/577/CEE, de la Directiva 97/7/CE y de laDirectiva 2011/83/UE, por el otro).
Starting from two different concepts of writing, as they can befound in the Interpretation Act of 1978 of United Kingdom and in the article1.11 of the Unidroit Principles, as well as from the contraposition in Italianlaw between «scritture» (written documents) and «riproduzioni meccaniche»(mechanical reproductions), the article investigates, in the light of the new issuesraised by digital documents in the information society, whether the representationor reproduction of words in a visible form is necessary to comply with therequirements of European private law regarding written form and evidence, orwhether any form of communication which preserves the documentation of theinformation it contains and which is reproducible in a tangible form is sufficient.Arguing the preference for the second solution and taking into account variousprovisions in force at various levels in the field of European law (and in particularcertain provisions of the Codice civile, the BGB, the ABGB, the Código civil, theGreek civil code and the English Law of Property, on the one hand, and of theart. 1(4), letters a and c, of the Unidroit Convention on International Factoringand of certain recitals and articles of Directive 85/577/EEC, of Directive 97/7/EC and of Directive 2011/83/EU, on the other hand), in the article is drawn adistinction between «written documents», or «declarative documents» (i.e. thosewhich constitute the means of making written declarations), on the one hand, and«purely representative documents» (which do not constitute the means of makingsuch declarations).
Las nuevas fronteras entre documentos escritos y documentos meramente representativos en la era de la documentación informática
Starting from two different concepts of writing, as they can befound in the Interpretation Act of 1978 of United Kingdom and in the article1.11 of the Unidroit Principles, as well as from the contraposition in Italianlaw between «scritture» (written documents) and «riproduzioni meccaniche»(mechanical reproductions), the article investigates, in the light of the new issuesraised by digital documents in the information society, whether the representationor reproduction of words in a visible form is necessary to comply with therequirements of European private law regarding written form and evidence, orwhether any form of communication which preserves the documentation of theinformation it contains and which is reproducible in a tangible form is sufficient.Arguing the preference for the second solution and taking into account variousprovisions in force at various levels in the field of European law (and in particularcertain provisions of the Codice civile, the BGB, the ABGB, the Código civil, theGreek civil code and the English Law of Property, on the one hand, and of theart. 1(4), letters a and c, of the Unidroit Convention on International Factoringand of certain recitals and articles of Directive 85/577/EEC, of Directive 97/7/EC and of Directive 2011/83/EU, on the other hand), in the article is drawn adistinction between «written documents», or «declarative documents» (i.e. thosewhich constitute the means of making written declarations), on the one hand, and«purely representative documents» (which do not constitute the means of makingsuch declarations).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.